Ramfis Dominguez Trujillo es SANTA

Ramfis is Santa

Ramfis Dominguez Trujillo is Santa Claus. The presidential candidate for the national will of the citizen party (PNVC) appeared as Santa Claus. Dominguez made a walk through the streets and began to give a gift to the first one he found and fulfilling the dream of much what they needed.

He will continue traveling the streets as a special part of Christmas to be able to achieve a smile and a happy Christmas to many citizens. Ramfis Trujillo expressed that his greatest desire is that his people be happy and that their wish will be fulfilled next year.

The candidate also communicated a Christmas message where he said he is aware of all the evils that the Dominican people suffer. “This Christmas I would like to see the dreams of each of my brothers come true. It is for that reason that we are bringing a little joy, with a representative character of these holidays, such as Santa Claus or Santa Claus. ”

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