Toros del Este Campeones


The eastern bulls win its first Caribbean crown in 2020. Cardinal from Venezuela and bulls for the Dominican Republic played their first Caribbean crown this Friday, February 7, at the Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where the Dominicans managed to impose themselves against a Creole team that could do little before a major offensive.

A rematch-flavored encounter was lived in the Puerto Rican capital. Cardinals sought to bend again to Toros, a team that saw the defeat against the red birds in the first round of the tournament. But Dominican was able to hit harder in the grand final to keep the championship. Los Toros opened the board in San Juan in the third inning, after a single to Rubén Sosa’s left field that led Eduardo Nuñez straight to the plate.

The Dominicans scored the second hairline in the fourth episode thanks to a great shot by Abraham Almonte, who took Jordany Valdespin direct plate to put the 2 × 0 against the Creoles. During that same inning, Diego Goris would connect a single to extend the advantage of three runs by zero, demonstrating a clear advantage over the red pitching of Cardinals.

The Creole answer came when the fifth chapter was played in Hiram Bithorn. Gorkys Hernández signed a double to the right-field that pushed Adonis García from first base. Venezuela barely discounted 3 × 1.

But a quick offensive reaction in that same entry of Toros del Este blew out the hope of the Venezuelan team. Wilkin Castillo produced an unstoppable that pushed O’Brien to boost the lead again. Diego Goris scored the fifth race of the Dominican team to put the 5 × 1 in the Almonte. A pitching error by Alixon Suarez with a past ball allowed the sixth race for the Dominicans during the close of the sixth episode.

The seventh episode was productive for Venezuelans. Hernández was able to deduct for Cardinals the 6 × 2 after a single that towed Carlos Rivero. Welington Dotel did his thing after a single to the anteroom that arrived at Garcia to score on the register 6 × 3.

During the eighth, Los Toros would give the final blow when it seemed that Lara could react. Three annotations are driven by Felix Pie that with a single pushed Jorge Mateo to the rubber. Subsequently, Almonte with a strong hit that went all the way through the right warning strip produced the last two scores on the feet of Junior Lake and Pie.


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